Sanghvi Electronics
D2D160-BE02-12 ABB EBMPAPST Blower D2D160-CE02-11 ABB Blower EBMPAPST Used in ABB ACS800 AC Drive 230V; 700
D2D160-BE02-12 ABB EBMPAPST Blower D2D160-CE02-11 ABB Blower EBMPAPST Used in ABB ACS800 AC Drive 230V; 700/1055W; 50/60Hz; 1.9/2.82A 230/400 V~ 50 Hz 700 W 2700 1/min, 60 Hz 1055 W 3000 1/min ABB has replaced a fan type D2D160-BE02-11(code 64650424 with D2D160-CE02-11. The replacement is to ensure compliance with the EU Commission Regulation (EU) No 327/2011 implementing a Directive 2009/125/EC (ErP) with regard to eco-design requirements. Start-up sound of D2D160-CE02-11 is stronger than the previous D2D160-BE02-11 due to aerodynamically improved fastening of a fan motor. This is kept as feature which has no impact operation or reliability.
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